Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Number One:
Greenberg says that Weatern civilzation is not the first to question it's own foundation. and
western civilzation has gone the furthest in self critical tendency.
Cezanne-sacrificied verismilitude or correctness in order to fit his drawing and design more
explicitly into a rectangular shape of the canvas but flatness alone was unique and exculsive to
pictural art.
Manet-became the first modernist pictures by virtue of the flat surfaces on which they were
Francesca- understands that selfcritism in modernist art has never been carried on in any but
spontaneous way.
Bonus Question: self criticism and self references is the same it is alive in our culture, western
civilzation is not the first to question it's on foudation
Gwendolyn Moore
Art's 2316
Painting I
Instructor:Hagit Barkai
Date:Wednesday:September 9, 2009

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