Thursday, December 10, 2009

Artist's Statement

Artist's statement
Gwendolyn Moore
They Call me Beautiful-Qualities that please the eyes and senses.
My paintings are Beautiful and timeless. They can take you back a thousand years are bring you into your present are future. It gives you an illusion of tangible touchable ornaments an array of jewels and diamonds never seen before ,it takes you to a destination of pleasure and joy My Ingenuity is something not seen everyday for l"am intrested in only the Sunny side of life and all it's hidden Beauty and Treasures.
My Paintings are Magicial in that it lets your Imagination sore to endless Heights of Infinity.It is a Table that says Reserved and Art that is only for one who trutly loves the Best that Beauty has to offer. For my Paintings will bring you Gifts from far Away and Quiz your mind to the Opilance of Style and Grace for it will take you on a Journey of Emerils and Satfire and serve you up Beautiful and Unforgettable colors that will sooth your Soul With Intricate Detaile and Decorative Style for Beauty is l and l am Beauty.
Gwendolyn Moore
Artist Statement
Arts 2316Painting
Room Fac 205
Instructor Hagit Barkai

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